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Entries for 2012

News from the archive - 8.000 cars milestone

8.000 8-series cars in the archive as of today mark yet another milestone of this community effort. Over the past 3 years the archival team has added on average more than 100 new cars per month and the archive now holds more than 200.000 8-series related files.

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posted @ Monday, June 11, 2012 by Registry

25% archived 8ers milestone

The fundamental milestone of archiving one quarter of the worldwide 8er production has been reached on February 29th, 2012. 

Without the initial idea to tackle a daunting task: cataloging all 30,621 8er build sheets and starting the 8Coupe registry & archive, our knowledge about the 8er in general and seen from many specific angles would be much smaller.

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posted @ Thursday, March 01, 2012 by Registry

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