Entries for 2007
The global color combinations summary produced for the 8 Series will be online soon. With 125 exterior colors and 34 interior/upholstery colors applied to the 8 Series, there were potentially 4,250 different possible color combinations.
The number one global 8er color combination?
- 1,765 cars
The listing of Option Codes specific to the 8 Series continues to be refined and validated. There were at least 175 different option codes available for the E31 during its 10 year production run.
The last 207 E31 owners were transferred from the legacy registry to the new registry at 8Coupe.com.
Since 2002, the E31 Registry has registered 1,129 vehicles. This represents 3.7% of all BMW 8 Series produced. The Registry's goal is to register 10% of all BMW 8 Series produced wordwlide, or 3,062 vehicles.
Since 2005, 8er owners have requested the "expanded" Vehicle Build Sheet Report (VBS-R). On September 14, there will be an update of the queue that requires "reconfirmation" by each 8er owner.
The registry will begin publishing salvage 8er vehicles, effective Monday, 20-August-2007.
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