Wednesday, March 26, 2025


8er.Org is the leading BMW 8 Series owners international organization dedicated to serious E31 owners.  It was founded October 2007.  On 28-July-2008, merged with to formalize the new online presence of  Contributors to the site are primarily from Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.  Read more . ..


The International Council of BMW Clubs is a global coordination platform for communication between the club organizations, BMW Group Mobile Tradition, the central BMW sales offices, and the national BMW sales subsidiaries and importers.

International Council of BMW Clubs

ClubE31 Netherlands

ClubE31.NL: The Netherlands formed their own ClubE31 in 2006.  Officially acknowledged by the International BMW Car Club Council, this growing group of Benelux 8er owners are dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of the 8 Series.



Founded in 2011, the SoCalEights represents 8er owners located in southern California, including the Los Angeles and San Diego metropolitan areas.  Members enjoy access to post and share photos and videos amongst a growing Eight Series owner fan base in southern California. maintains a calender whereby everyone can quickly find out where and when the latest gathering, tech session, WrenchFest Club Board Meeting, or meetup is scheduled.


8-Fest.Com:  Organized in late 2002, 8-Fest was born to serve 8er enthusiast events for North America.  8-Fest is organizing a special 10th Anniversary celebration of the 2003 Left Coast 8-Fest.  This event will be held again in Garberville, California on October 4-7, 2013.



BMW CCA was founded by several Boston-area BMW enthusiasts in 1969 just as BMW of North America was increasing its sales with the 2002, a fast and fun 2-door sedan. The Club began as an owner-support network and has grown to include BMW enthusiasts nationwide including owners of classic and current models. BMW CCA offers a comprehensive range of services and maintains a strong, independent relationship with BMW of North America.


 E31Club.Info logo

E31Club.Info: Established November, 2006, the Russian 8er owners now have their own webspace to discuss the 8 Series. With nearly 1,000 registered accounts, this fast-growing 8er informal fan club is looking towards their first meeting. 


ClubE31 Germany

ClubE31.DE:  Acknowledged by the International BMW Car Club Council, German 8er owners converged and brought about formal recognition to represent all 8er owners worldwide in 2005.  This group split off from the original in 2002 and is largely a German-based organization. 


BMW of North America is one of the top automobile markets for BMW AG.  For the 8 Series, North America is home to the second largest number of 8 Series delivered for the 1991-97 model years (Germany is number 1). 

BMW provides an excellent website experience through its Owners Circle portal for present and past modern BMW models. - Owner Community



The BMW Club of Canada (BMW CC) exists to actively promote the varied interests of BMW owners and enthusiasts in the spirit of fun, friendship, and safety. You are welcome to our driving schools, monthly meetings, annual picnic, autocrosses, road trips, et cetera.



E31.ES: Established December 2008, the Spanish 8er owners now have their own webspace to discuss the 8 Series. With nearly 230 registered accounts as of 07/2012, this 8er club is quickly establishing their love of the 8 Series in Spain.


BMWTeaM Founded in 2003, is Turkey's first and largest BMW club with a thriving E31 community.

BMWTeaM offers model-specific information to its users with BMW AG support.  Our goal is to bring all BMW E31 owners together to discuss this unique offering from BMW.

With over 36,000 members, there are many technical details available in our forums, including articles, project implementation, and technical information on programs.


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